Female zorzal chiguanco (Turdus chiguanco) in her nest looking
after her chick. This bird lives in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador y Perú,
wet lands tropical and subtropical places and forests. They eat insects and they are famous for their beautiful orange eyes and legs
Zorzal Chiguango’s eggs in the nest
A one day old chick from Zorzal Chiguango and an egg ready to hatch
4-5. Jilguero (Sicalis flaveola) a one year old male singing looking for
a nest and partner. The males turn their chest yellow when they live
a year a half.
have got grey stripes on their white chest.
eat seeds and insects and they live in all the country.
Carpintero bataraz chico Veniliornis mixtus:
lives in forests and jungles from Bolivia and Brazil up to the north
of Patagonia. They spend the day flying from tree to tree looking for
insects using their beak to dig into the logs
Pepitero de Collar (Saltator aurantiirostris) they live in Argentina,
Paraguay, Brazil, chile Bolivia and Peru and Uruguay. You can see
them flying in group looking for foods. They eat seed but they can
also eat insects when they want
Columba maculosa paloma manchada
9. Picabuey (Machetornis rixosa) They eat insects and they live in
grasslands, forest and it can also be seen in cities flying and
eating in gardens and parks
11. Alacran